Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised: The 11th Edition Pdf for Free Download
Textual Records: Annuity payment rolls, 1841-1949. Cherokeefreedmen payment roll, 1897, with indexes. Exhibits for Cherokeefreedmen payment rolls, 1897. Old Settler Cherokee census roll,1895, with index, 1896. Cherokee warrant payment rolls, 1900,1902. Roll of Creek orphans and lists of payments to be made,1870. Records concerning payments to Citizen Potawatomi, 1868-70.Receipts for payments to Potawatomi, 1868-69. Ledger for percapita payments to Wisconsin Band of Potawatomi, 1928. List ofSioux scouts and soldiers and heirs, 1892. Recapitulations ofaccounts of individual Indian money (IIM), 1930-32. Record ofcollections for Five Civilized Tribes, 1898-1906. Ledger fortribal moneys, 1909-10. Land sale orders for Five CivilizedTribes, 1908-13. Ledgers for depositories of funds of FiveCivilized Tribes, 1911-18.
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Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Letters sent, 1902-6, andreceived, 1897-1914. Records of tribal governments, 1873-1907,including constitution and laws of the Choctaw Nation, 1894-1904.Records relating to enrollment, 1852-1919, including enrollmentcards, 1899-1907; applications for enrollment, 1898-1914; andtribal rolls, 1852-1900. Records relating to Cherokeecitizenship, 1878-1911, including brief and arguments filed byJoseph P. Mullen, 1896; lists of applicants as freedmen, 1897;applications for enrollment, 1898-1907; and applications forenrollment as freedmen, 1897. Records relating to Choctaw andChickasaw citizenship, 1893-1907, including duplicate Choctaw-Chickasaw applications for enrollment, 1896-98; certified copiesof orders of the U.S. Court at South McAlester on appeals underthe act of June 10, 1896, 1897; and case files on applicationsfor transfers by freedmen or enrollment, 1905-6. Records of theChoctaw-Chickasaw Citizenship Court, including case files, 1902-4; lists of claimants, 1902; general and appearance dockets,1902-4; and minutes, 1902-4. Records relating to theidentification of Mississippi Choctaws, 1899-1906, includingdecisions of the Dawes Commission, 1902-4. Records relating toCreek citizenship, 1885-1907, including enrollment cards, 1898;and index to freedmen enrollment cards, 1898. Records relating toSeminole citizenship, 1900-5, including index to newborns, 1905.Records relating to allotment, 1899-1910, including applicationsfor allotment, 1899-1907. Records relating to allotments toCherokees, 1902-14, including denied allotment applications,1902-7; and index to rejected freedmen, n.d. Records relating tothe sale of improvements by intermarried Cherokees, includingclaims to sell improvements, 1907-14; and records relating todisclaimers, 1907-12. Records relating to the sale of surplusholdings by Delaware-Cherokees, 1904-7, including claims to sellimprovements. Records relating to allotments to Choctaws, 1902-17, including allotment ledgers, 1903-10; record of conveyancesto Murrow Indian Orphans Home, 1907-9; and conveyances to MurrowIndian Orphans Home, 1906-9. Records relating to allotments toChickasaws, 1902-14, including letters received from the ChoctawLand Office, 1903-6. Records relating to allotments to Creeks,1899-1914, including record of allotments. Records relating toallotments to Seminoles, 1901-14. Records relating to Choctaw-Chickasaw townsites, 1899-1908. Records relating to Creektownsites, 1891-1908.
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Prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association using the 7th edition. Manuscripts may be copyedited for bias-free language (see Chapter 5 of the Publication Manual).